What’s Up Wednesday?
from She’s A Keeper!
So, the Giant Schnauzer, Monty, wins the 2025 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. What a beautiful dog.
We own two Schnauzers. Miniature. They are a handful. Our dogs, Gritz, a solid white, alpha male, and Bosco, like the chocolate drink, keep us frustrated and entertained. Only once before, our first years of marriage, did we own two dogs at the same time. I had forgotten the confusion but fun of owning two.
Once we didn’t own any dog. My cousin, who lived on the next door property, had one and we borrowed him for playtime. His name was Pup-Pup. John was about five and with our acreage he rode his small four-wheeler, had camp outs, and enjoyed tons of fishing. But a boy needs a dog, especially with all this property.
My cousin had raised his children and spent a lot of time with our youngest in these endeavors. I appreciated his time and attention. They were both outdoor guys and they bonded over these activities. When he couldn’t spend time with John, we took his substitute, Pup-Pup. Wherever his master went, so went his side-kick. John loved playing with that lovable and friendly dog.
So much so, that when John called his relative to see if he was available one day, but he wasn’t, he asked, “Well, can Pup-Pup come over to play?” Our kin opened their door and we loudly called out for their dog to come over through both pastures between the two houses. And he did. Straight as an arrow.
Mixed breed Pup-Pup knew his commands, also, and just like the full bred Schnauzer, Monty, was just as much a treasure to us, too.
Monty, a giant schnauzer, lived up to lofty expectations by winning best in show at the 149th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Tuesday night.