Reaching Out…

May I ask a favor?

I don’t think I’ve ever asked for your help. I like for you to receive emails about my giveaways.

My publisher, Bienvenue Press, would like to promote LSJ internationally on Book Bub. There are lots of positive reviews on Amazon we can use but they are not fresh. Could you take a moment and write an HONEST review for my book, SHE’S A KEEPER! Cockamamie Memoirs from a Hot Southern Mess if you have read it all or just part of it?

If you have ever purchased ANYTHING from Amazon – not just books,  they should post your review. That’s how things work these days for reviews. It can be simple like “The author is a hoot!” or “I enjoyed the book.” Anything to make it easy on you. Here is the Amazon address for the book:

I’d greatly appreciate it.

Thank you, 

P.S. New contest coming by end of summer.